1. Rudebox - produced by Soul Mekanik
2. Viva Life On Mars - produced by Soul Mekanik
3. Lovelight (Lewis Taylor cover) produced by Mark Ronson
4. King Of The Bongo - (Manu Chao cover) produced by Mark Ronson
5. She's Madonna - produced by Pet Shop Boys
6. Keep On - Produced by Mark Ronson
7. Good Doctor - Produced by Mark Ronson
8. The Actor - produced by Brandon Christy
9. Never Touch That Switch - produced by Soul Mekanik
10. Louise - produced by William Orbit
11. We’re The Pet Shop Boys -- Produced by Pet Shop Boys
12. Burslem Normals – Produced by Soul Mekanik
13. Kiss Me - Produced by Dave 'Joey Negro' Lee
14. The 80s – Produced by Jerry Meehan
15. The 90s - Produced by Jerry Meehan
16. Summertime - Produced by William Orbit
17. Bonus track - Dickhead – Produced by Jerry Meehan
A que no sabés una cosa, pibe?
Pues que el Robbie estará en Bs As en fechas muy próximas e importantes para nosotros, el 14 y el 15 de octubre de este año.
La Madonna no ha venido porque no le dieron plata suficiente, la muy cuca. Os extraño desde la Pampa, que este año encuentro menos fría, más glamourosa y llena de boliches y de vidrieras que os encantarían, so cobardes.
Bezos desde el otro hemisferio
Grcs por tu post, Aqui desde tu Málaga-Malaya tb se te echa de menos.
Bs & Enjoy
For some reason, when the tracklisting for the upcoming Robbie Williams album was sent out, the production credits for the song "The Actor" was showing only Brandon Christy as the producer.
It should say:
8. The Actor - produced by Brandon Christy and Craig Russo
8. The Actor - produced by Brandon Christy
Perhaps it's not too late for you to change your Blog to reflect the correct information.
To verify this information, please visit:
Thank You!
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